When you open a bank account for the estate, the account name must indicate that it is an estate account and not your personal account. Call 925-314-2320 or complete an online form to request a consultation with an attorney at Doyle Quane regarding any aspect of estate planning or probate.In California, four estate planning mechanisms exist that allow for transfer of property ownership without going through the traditional probate process. The Public Administrator's office investigates and may administer the estates of individuals who were domiciled in Contra Costa County at the time of death. Is a trustee not paying beneficiaries? Print or type "Deceased" and the date of death next to the taxpayer's name at the top of the return. Probate Code section 5302(a) provides that when one holder of a joint bank account passes away, the account becomes the property of the other. Senior Retirement Counselor: This is the fully competent level classification in the series. When completing Form 1041, you must take into account any items that are income in respect of a decedent (IRD).