The Letter of Instruction must be signed in the presence of the individual guaranteeing your signature. The collection instruction must indicate that the collection is subject to URC 522 and give complete and precise instructions.This document provides detailed instructions for completing a Banker's Guarantee application form. To complete an eviction we require the original writ, Sheriff's fee, and a signed Contra Costa County Sheriff letter of instruction for eviction located above. Application Steps: STEP 1: Complete this International Student Application (pages 2-5). STEP 2: Attach Proof of English Proficiency (see page 3). Do you know how to find out if you are a beneficiary on a bank account? The State of California is proud to announce the launch of the California Kids Investment and Development Savings Program (CalKIDS) program. Presents topicallyfocused digital collections of primary sources such as photos, newspapers, letters, diaries, ephemera, and more. Contra Costa, Del Norte, El Dorado,.