Generally, if you have bad credit, you will NOT be allowed to act as the administrator of the estate of parent or loved one. I am beyond frosted because the credit union person I had last week was like, no problem.The decedent is no longer available to speak for himself, so the executor can easily find himself in a situation where one or some of the beneficiaries are. It's pretty easy to find a bank that open a checking account that will not pay interest. State of Illinois; Case No. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (In re Cook), BAP No.NM-11-082, see flags on bad law, and search Casetext's comprehensive legal database. Org - Find free legal aid near you and get answers to your legal questions. This estate account is separate from your personal accounts, so there is no fear of a money mixup. Why do I need an estate account? Fill out all the required forms and gain access to the account.