Names and complete addresses of Decedent's Next of Kin - to be written on Form. 1.0. One thing for sure is that the bank will want to know the specific reasons for the removal request as the next-to-kin.Click on the link(s) for the forms you'd like to download. The AGO's Public Records Unit, which assembles this manual every year, partners with the Ohio Auditor of State's Office to provide free Sunshine Laws training. (NOTE: Specify age and birthdate of each minor under 16 on the line containing the minor's name. Williams County Local Probate Rule 31.2(B) requires the executor to serve notice of the hearing on inventory upon the decedent's next of kin. 1914 The Cleveland Foundation is established on January 2. Paradoxically, the way to make racial progress in racist America is to downplay race. He will b back next year and i expected to show more of the gridiron ghost' methods. The band performs at the Clyde Theatre on June. 12.