You can request copies of bank statements, mortgage documents, and other financial information from the deceased person's bank or financial institution. Go to your bank and tell them that you want to make your bank account payable on death.To retrieve the funds after the account owner's death, the beneficiary will need to provide the bank with a copy of the death certificate. This Guide will assist Claimant in completing the Death Benefit Claim Request form (the "Form") for Internal Revenue Code ("Code") section 401(k) plans. Learn How to Secure Family Access to Your Texas Bank Accounts After Death with PayOnDeath Beneficiaries and Right of Survivorship Options. A death claim application letter for a bank is basically a letter to the bank stating that the account holder has been deceased. The notary will fill it out. 8. "After Recording, Return to" Section: Fill in the property owner's name and address here. The Dallas County Probate Court requires a death certificate to be filed with all probate applications, including SEAs. An easily readable copy is fine.