Get routing numbers for Wells Fargo checking, savings, prepaid card, line of credit, and wire transfers or find your checking account number. The nice thing about Wells Fargo is they will provide a direct deposit form and they will automatically input your information with just a few steps.Find a SWIFT code, CHIPS or Fedwire ABA number, and other key routing codes for Wells Fargo locations in the US and around the world. Real-time status for Wells Fargo. Is the website down, can't check your statements or log in? For the second time this year, Wells Fargo has acknowledged that direct deposits were not showing up in customers' accounts. For domestic and international wire transfers, the Wells Fargo routing number is 121000248. Need a Wells Fargo bank routing number? Our Ally Bill Pay check mailed to our kids' school was intercepted and cashed. It took Ally 127 days to restore the funds after filing a dispute.