Learn More About Section 153.003 Of The Texas Estates Code And Obtaining Bank Account Information Of A Deceased Family Member In Texas. You can request copies of bank statements, mortgage documents, and other financial information from the deceased person's bank or financial institution.They should be able to simply present the bank with proof of the death (e.g. Payableondeath bank accounts allow a bank to release funds to a named beneficiary on the account holder's death without the beneficiary having to go to court. Note: Please use blue or black ink when completing the Form. A transfer on death deed (TODD) is a legal document that allows a person to transfer ownership of their property after they die. Our estate settlement services include help with probate, guardianship, trust accounting expertise, and more. One of your first duties as an executor should be to set up an estate bank account. Utilizing a Small Estate Affidavit is beneficial when the Decedent had very few assets: bank accounts, savings bonds, an automobile and homestead. You can use a trust like this for specific tax reasons and to provide benefits for others.