You can request copies of bank statements, mortgage documents, and other financial information from the deceased person's bank or financial institution. Your first move will be to procure a copy of the death certificate.From there, you will need to file for probate and petition for recognition from the court. Typically, an application to probate a will must be filed within four (4) years of the date of death of the decedent. Payableondeath bank accounts allow a bank to release funds to a named beneficiary on the account holder's death without the beneficiary having to go to court. Note: Please use blue or black ink when completing the Form. Decedent's Information. Probate is the legal process to distribute a person's property after they die. Learn More About Section 153.003 Of The Texas Estates Code And Obtaining Bank Account Information Of A Deceased Family Member In Texas. The bank says unless "we" come to an agreement or there is a court order they will not release the money.