Introduction. This manual is intended to assist persons who are involved in the administration of a decedent's estate in Virginia. Compile the following information about the deceased that the funeral home will need in order to finalize the death certificate.First, middle, and last name. A. Accounts must be filed with the Commissioner of Accounts. For the appointment, you need to provide a certified copy of the death certificate, a list of the names, addresses and ages of the heirs at law, and the legal. It is recommended that the initial steps in the estate process start within 30 days after death. Present either of these letters to the bank along with the death certificate to close the account. It is recommended that the initial steps in the estate process start within 30 days after death. How long does it take after qualification to complete the probate process? In order to determine Medicaid eligibility, an application must be filed with the local department of social services in the area in which you live.