If you have no will, then your bank account after death in Florida will pass to the named beneficiary. An Affidavit of this nature allows a bank or credit union in Florida to pay a qualified family member the funds in the decedent's bank accounts.If a decedent was a Florida resident, their probate case must be filed in the county where they lived when they were alive. The decedent must have died more than one year prior, and no. Florida probate proceeding may be pending. PayOnDeath accounts can be used to transfer money and account assets outside of a will or the probate process. Jointlyowned bank accounts in Florida typically pass to the sole ownership of the surviving joint account owner. If a person dies owning a joint bank account, the surviving account holder can have access to the account, depositing or withdrawing funds as necessary. A beneficiary in an account having a pay-on-death designation has no right to sums on deposit during the lifetime of any party. Only probate assets should be included in the inventory.