Use this form to request a transfer from a Putnam Transfer on Death (TOD) account due to the death of all owners listed in the registration. You must provide your U.S. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN); a TIN includes the SSN, ITIN, ATIN and EIN.The Decedent's distributees (heirs who are entitled to a share of the deceased person's property) must also be listed in the probate petition. UTMA account) of a Franklin Templeton 529 College Savings Plan Account due. Do you have older parents or other loved ones who are dependent on you for financial support to pay for their housing or medical costs? This free program will help you create the affidavit that you will need to file in Surrogate's Court. May funds be withdrawn from bank accounts? Typically, we require: A copy of the death certificate. Businesses can access their account in a branch or through online banking. Benjamin Franklin famously noted that only two things are certain: death and taxes.