Closing a bank account when someone passes away isn't difficult, as long as you have the right paperwork for the the teller or banker. Take the death certificate to the bank they will have filled out a card stating who will receive the money when the pass away .You may be able to use a Small Estate Affidavit to have the property transferred to you. Notify Bank of America. We'll ask you for the deceased customer's full legal name and Social Security number to identify their accounts. Your bank may have an account closing letter template or form that you can download from its website or pick up at a branch. You'll need the original or certified copy of the appointment letter naming you as the personal representative of the estate along with any additional court-. Online: Use our online form to notify us about a customer's death. We're here to help when a loved one passes away. Knowing where to begin when handling someone else's financial affairs can be overwhelming.