To close a bank account on behalf of someone who has passed away, you must have legal authority to manage the account. You should also make a list of what the Decedent owned at the time of death (such as bank accounts, house, stocks, etc.).We've got the answers in our FAQs. Notify CRA at 18009598281 of the date of death as soon as possible, and send them a copy of the death certificate and a complete copy of the will. You can use this letter template to write to the bank to request the closure of a direct payments account following the death of the account holder. A close relative must be alive at the time the decedent dies to be an heir. Notify Bank of America. We'll ask you for the deceased customer's full legal name and Social Security number to identify their accounts. Vital Records has marriage records (since 1880) for marriage licenses purchased in all of New York State except New York City.