This year, you can electronically file your corporate return. I strongly encourage you to take advantage of this feature.This booklet is designed to provide information and assist corporations in filing their Georgia corporate tax returns. A Letter of Instructions (LOI) is a written or electronic document that sets out all the information that your fiduciaries will need to help assist you. Click the "Forms" link in the toolbar, located across the top of the page, and select "Check" to locate the "Cash Letter. Browse our collection of financial education materials, data tools, documentation of laws and regulations, information on important initiatives, and more. Downloadable Acrobat Reader Forms. CLAIMS. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SUPPORT CENTER APPLICATION (Page 1). Please use a blue or black ball point pen, press firmly, and PRINT legibly. The FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct.