To close a bank account on behalf of someone who has passed away, you must have legal authority to manage the account. You will need to become the estate's administrator or executor to gain access or information to the deceased person's bank account.The bank will not allow you to close it unless you have a letter of authorization from the probate court. Tell the Bank: Give the bank the death certificate and the court papers that show you have permission to handle the account. Online: Use our online form to notify us about a customer's death. An Affidavit of Death is used to close accounts, receive benefits, or take ownership of property, real estate, or securities. When a person dies without a will and has money in the bank of not more than. Joint deposit accounts may be retitled to remove the deceased customer. When a person dies without a will and has money in the bank of not more than. You will need to provide a certified copy of the death certificate to close the account.