Learn More About Section 153.003 Of The Texas Estates Code And Obtaining Bank Account Information Of A Deceased Family Member In Texas. Learn How to Secure Family Access to Your Texas Bank Accounts After Death with PayOnDeath Beneficiaries and Right of Survivorship Options.Banks and other financial institutions will often say that letters testamentary are required to access a bank account for someone who died. A transfer on death deed (TODD) is a legal document that allows a person to transfer ownership of their property after they die. Our estate settlement services include help with probate, guardianship, trust accounting expertise, and more. You can request copies of bank statements, mortgage documents, and other financial information from the deceased person's bank or financial institution. Fill out the affidavit form, which has to confirm that the following conditions are met: At least 30 days have elapsed since the date of the decedent's death. Your first move will be to procure a copy of the death certificate. From there, you will need to file for probate and petition for recognition from the court. Are you a new homeowner and busy preparing your will but wondering who is responsible for paying taxes for a deceased person?