Find common questions and answers about estate taxes, including requirements for filing, selling inherited property and taxable gifts. A payable on death bank account, originally referred to as "Totten Trust" accounts, are includable in the estate of the decedent.The assets of the decedent's estate must be collected and the debts and obligations of the decedent must be paid if there are sufficient funds in the estate. A transfer on death deed (TODD) is a legal document that allows a person to transfer ownership of their property after they die. Have you named a beneficiary on your bank accounts? A New York estate planning attorney explains the pros and cons of payable on death designations. Schedule K1 (Form 1041) is an official IRS form that's used to report a beneficiary's share of income, deductions and credits from an estate or trust. We expect to post your payment online within 10 working days. Security deposit to another account or bank. With estate tax, the tax is taken out of the deceased's assets before they're doled out to beneficiaries.