The Harris County Clerk's office is happy to help you file documents or locate records, but we cannot answer legal questions. The information provided in the application that follows will be used to process incoming wires into a designated Tax Office bank account.The Real Property Department records documents pertaining to real property or real estate in Harris County. How do I update my address with your office? Reminder: To claim a tax credit (with the exception of the household credit and NYC school tax credit) you must complete and submit the appropriate credit form. Document Name: Filer should place the actual document name in the descriptor field using capital letters (i.e. Checks or money orders must be payable through a U.S. bank or financial institution and made payable to the secretary of state. To sign up for updates, please enter your e-mail address below. Your email address. Subscribe. From Car Dealers to Union Workers: Engaging Stakeholders on Historic Biden-Harris Climate Law.