The Harris County Clerk's office is happy to help you file documents or locate records, but we cannot answer legal questions. Learn how some of a deceased person's assets and debts can be distributed without going to court.This depends on whether they had the right documents. A transfer on death deed (TODD) is a legal document that allows a person to transfer ownership of their property after they die. The bank will not allow you to close it unless you have a letter of authorization from the probate court. "Letters Testamentary" and "Letters of Administration" are legal documents that grant authority to a person to act on behalf of a deceased person's estate. I am writing to you regarding the above account, which as far as I am aware has a balance owed of £​XXXX​. Probate is the legal process to distribute a person's property after they die. Use this letter when someone you know has died and they have left no assets or will behind. Contact us for advice before using this letter.