Below is an overview of the probate process in Minnesota District Court. What Do I Need to Do When I'm Opening an Estate Bank Account?Go to the IRS website to find the EIN Assistant and enter the deceased person's legal information. The beneficiary goes to the bank or credit union and presents a copy of your death certificate. Fill Out the Form: Write down all the necessary details about the deceased and the assets. A payable on death (POD) designation means your bank account automatically transfers to a beneficiary upon the death of all account owners and co-owners. Generally, local agencies make an MA estate claim when the property of a deceased person is being distributed after death. Upon the death of a Minnesota resident, the Personal Representative of the decedent's estate has a duty to search for any Minnesota safe deposit box. Some of your money in your account may be protected (the legal word is exempt). If you can show reasonable cause, you may ask us to reissue your property tax refund check for up to five years after the original check date.