Learn More About Section 153.003 Of The Texas Estates Code And Obtaining Bank Account Information Of A Deceased Family Member In Texas. You can request copies of bank statements, mortgage documents, and other financial information from the deceased person's bank or financial institution.You'll just need the death certificate and your ID. The bank should close the account and make checks payable to the beneficiary. To start, the heir must obtain a death certificate and proof of social security number for the deceased. If you need help with your Texas probate matter, call us today for a FREE attorney consultation at (281) 219-9090. The Harris County Clerk's office is happy to help you file documents or locate records, but we cannot answer legal questions. Online: Use our online form to notify us about a customer's death. This article helps to outline the basics of debts and deceased relatives, and guides the reader on debt validity, authority to manage debts after death, Notify Bank of America. We'll ask you for the deceased customer's full legal name and Social Security number to identify their accounts.