Learn How to Secure Family Access to Your Texas Bank Accounts After Death with PayOnDeath Beneficiaries and Right of Survivorship Options. Your first move will be to procure a copy of the death certificate.From there, you will need to file for probate and petition for recognition from the court. Houston: 713-357-2257. At Bank of Texas, we provide both trust administration and estate administration. Our professionals will work closely with you to reduce transaction expenses. To retrieve the funds after the account owner's death, the beneficiary will need to provide the bank with a copy of the death certificate. Banks and other financial institutions will often say that letters testamentary are required to access a bank account for someone who died. Payableondeath bank accounts allow a bank to release funds to a named beneficiary on the account holder's death without the beneficiary having to go to court. If an individual only wishes to transfer a home, car, or money in a bank account, this Toolkit can avoid probate and save money.