Closing a bank account when someone passes away isn't difficult, as long as you have the right paperwork for the the teller or banker. A release provides protection to the trustee in a scenario where the beneficiary later decides to sue the trustee.Below are forms in PDF format regarding land trusts that do not necessarily require the assistance of an attorney. These forms are now interactive. Once you die, your living trust becomes irrevocable, which means that your wishes are now set in stone. A. An Executor or Personal Representative is appointed under the decedent's Will. If you're taking over as trustee of a deceased person's living trust, you're certainly not expected to get to work the day your loved one dies. This page provides questions and answers on how to obtain an estate tax closing letter through It is important to follow the steps for closing a trust administration and terminating a trust very carefully. Failing to do so could expose you to liability.