The bank will also need to see a copy of the Certificate of Trust naming the successor trustee, and the bank will have some forms that need to be filled out. As a credit union, we are unable to open accounts for deceased non-members.A deceased person's bank account is inaccessible unless you're a joint owner, a beneficiary of the account or the estate executor. In the event of a member's death, a credit union must determine the proper disposition of the remaining funds in the member's account(s). Each institution may have their own policy for decedent accounts, but the general process should be the same for both banks and credit unions. In the event of a member's death, a credit union must determine the proper disposition of the remaining funds in the member's account(s). You will need 10 to 20 copies of a certified death certificate; most funeral homes can help you obtain them. If all parties in a joint bank account are deceased, sorting out financial affairs becomes muddled. Help protect your family's financial future with our Estate Planning advice, including account settlement and power of attorney. Print and fill out our Death Notification PDF Form (Opens in a new Window), and mail it to our main branch listed above. Fax.