Opening an estate bank account can make it easier for you to transfer the frozen assets so you can pay out what you need. You need to open an Estate account with an EIN number to deposit the check into that account not your Mom's account.In order to open a checking account, you generally need to present to the bank a copy of the death certificate as well as your legal appointment paperwork. Just as you need your SSN to open an individual bank account or an EIN to open a business account, you need an EIN to open an estate bank account. Estate accounts can only be created after the estate has an IRS-issued tax identification number called an employer identification number (EIN). The estate checking account will take over any funds in the decedent's savings or checking accounts and can receive the proceeds of any sales of estate assets. An estate account enables you to deposit income and pay any necessary expenses that may be incurred during the administration of the estate. Use this account to. Please note: For all account types, we require a death certificate. If there's no Will and real property then an administration proceeding should be filed.