A bank typically issues a letter of guarantee to inform someone else that the bank guarantees funds or securities for the client. The Letter of Instruction must be signed in the presence of the individual guaranteeing your signature.Use this form for specific account requests. Bank guarantees reduce the loss if a transaction doesn't go as planned, while letters of credit ensure that the transaction proceeds as planned. A bank guarantee is a promise from a lending institution that ensures the bank will step up if a debtor can't cover a debt. The collection instruction must indicate that the collection is subject to URC 522 and give complete and precise instructions. This sets out how Shawbrook Bank will use any personal information that you provide in this application form. Use this form for specific account requests. In the letter to the bank president of 10th July, 1888, Mr. Courtney referred to James Craig's letter of the day before and enclosed "deposit receipt no. Completed applicant information.