One thing for sure is that the bank will want to know the specific reasons for the removal request as the next-to-kin. Create a professional next of kin letter.Build and share in seconds. The next of kin will not have any access to the money on a deceased person's account unless that person is a Joint owner of the account with a right to survive. To inherit or have access to the account of a deceased customer, one will have to be named in the deceased customer's Will as a beneficiary. How do i write a letter for next of kin (father) who is willing to give up his rights to heir in son inheirtance? The medical team will help you figure out the next steps. If the deceased was receiving hospice care, call the hospice. To obtain Letters of Administration, you need to complete a form called PA1A and send it, along with the death certificate, to the Probate Registry. This is to notify the bank that my.