Print or type "Deceased" and the date of death next to the taxpayer's name at the top of the return. A Social Security payment due a deceased beneficiary may be paid to a family member or a legal representative of the estate in the following order.A date of death value letter provides account balance information on the date the account owner passed away. Form Name, Form ID, Revised Date, Fillable, Mandatory. The completed form DE150 should then be submitted to the probate court in the county in which the deceased resided in at the time of death. In this video, we're going over two forms, DE 140 which is the Order for Probate, and DE 150 which are the Letters, Testamentary, or Letters of Administration. The completed form DE150 should then be submitted to the probate court in the county in which the deceased resided in at the time of death. Savings accounts and certificates of deposit. Fill in the following information for each account. Bank. The County of Los Angeles Public Administrator has a staff of deputies to provide administration for decedent estates.