The bank account must be a checking account that allows you to write check so you can pay the deceased's final bills, court costs and final distributions. There are two types of accounts, an interim account and a final account.With an interim account, not all estate assets are distributed. You'll also need the decedent's legal name and Social Security number. This article discusses the Maryland register of wills forms and everything you need to know before filing. You must complete the federal estate tax return (IRS Form 706) for the date of the decedent's death before filling out the Maryland estate tax return. You must complete the federal estate tax return (IRS Form 706) for the date of the decedent's death before filling out the Maryland estate tax return. You can fill it out and then mail it in. If you mail in a paper form, you should get your ID number (EIN) back in a few weeks. Distributing remaining assets to the deceased person's heirs (either designated in the person's Will or decided in probate court).