This brochure will be useful to you in answering general questions on how to proceed with the administration of an estate. You must file the necessary forms and documents with the Register of Wills in the jurisdiction in which the decedent was domiciled at the time of death.Bank Accounts titled only in the decedent's name. Vehicles - decedent is the sole owner on the title. Use the Letters of Administration to work with the banks to change bank accounts from the name of the decedent into the name of the estate. I would contact the bank and provide them with a death certificate along with proof of your relationship to the deceased. You must complete the federal estate tax return (IRS Form 706) for the date of the decedent's death before filling out the Maryland estate tax return. Learn the 12 Mistakes to Avoid When Acting As Executor for Probate and when to seek legal guidance when handling a loved one's estate. Whenever appropriate, contact the probate court in the jurisdiction where the decedent resided, such as the Office of the Register of Wills in Maryland. 1. A copy of the will; Letters from banks; A list of assets and liabilities; Any property titles.