To close a bank account on behalf of someone who has passed away, you must have legal authority to manage the account. A magistrate can issue an informal probate order as soon as 7 days after the decedent's death.An Affidavit of Death is used to close accounts, receive benefits, or take ownership of property, real estate, or securities. After someone dies, notify the government programs and businesses they used. Cancel benefits payments and close or transfer accounts. We'll need a photocopy of the death certificate to verify the identity and legal residence of your loved one as well as confirm date of death. Fill it out for the deceased, but don't forge the name. Notify all banks and other institutions holding the decedent's funds at the decedent's death and request date-of-death balances and income information. List any assets or debts they have including bank accounts, property, mortgages, investments, credit cards, loans, and life insurance policies. Appointed estate representative will present the appropriate documents, close the account and move funds to an estate account.