To close a bank account on behalf of someone who has passed away, you must have legal authority to manage the account. Give application to the bank or treasury as the case may be informing passing away of the Pensioner.The documents needed are a death certificate, residential proof, bank passbook, etc. Here's a simplified guide on how to fill in an Affidavit of Death in nine steps: Step 1: Identify the Type of Affidavit of Death: You'll need the person's Social Security number and certified copies of their death certificate for most agencies and programs. We'll need a photocopy of the death certificate to verify the identity and legal residence of your loved one as well as confirm date of death. Deceased Account Handling Application Form. This form is intended for Upstate NY, Long Island, and Massachusetts Electric customers. The bank must review the safe deposit box lease agreement documents to determine who may access the box after the death of an owner. Accounts with a TD representative.