Learn about estates, how to file an estate, and the administrative process. (Complete ONLY when filing an Annual Account with assets remaining in the Estate.) 1.On Deposit in Banks, etc. 2. This inventory lists all the bank accounts, assets, and personal property in the decedent's possession at the time of their passing. Begin the probate process. This video will provide a step-by-step guide for completing the application and oath to open a full estate for a decedent who left a will. Notices of sale are published in the Mecklenburg Times newspaper once a week for two weeks and posted at the Mecklenburg County Courthouse for at least 20 days. This video will provide a step-by-step guide for completing the application and oath to open a full estate for a decedent. Make the process of opening an estate account simple and straightforward with this stepbystep guide. In this blog, we'll walk you through the key steps an executor should follow to close an estate in North Carolina.