Decedent was and administrator is a member of the credit union. This account may legally be maintained in an FCU, since the decedent was a member.This list can help guide you through the steps you need to take. Notify important parties immediately, Secure property, Locate important documents. Let us help guide you through what we need for a deceased member account. Click "forms" and enter the form numbers below (all forms begin with AOC-E-__). Banks and credit unions: There are three forms of multiple party accounts or deposits: joint, payable on death (POD), and totten trust (another form of POD). 6. An Act to limit the powers of justices of the peace and constables of Mecklenburg County in the exercise of their offices. Our medical licensing statute was created in 1859. Today, there are very few places in the civ- ilized world where one can practice medicine without a license.