When it comes to handling the decedent's bank accounts, we're here to make the process as simple and straightforward as possible. For the deceased's bank account, the account number and exact dollar amount in the account must be provided.Before you open a personal account with Middlesex Savings Bank in MA please read our Consumer Account Agreement. Contact us to learn more. Have you named a beneficiary on your bank accounts? A New York estate planning attorney explains the pros and cons of payable on death designations. A REQUEST FOR A REAL PROPERTY TAX WAIVER, FORM L-9, has been created for Class "A" beneficiaries in the estates of RESIDENT decedents. New Jersey has had an Inheritance Tax since 1892, when a tax was imposed on property transferred from a deceased person to a beneficiary. 8. Proof of death: Death Certificate: 9. The printed qualification questionnaire can be filled out in writing and mailed or emailed back to the county Jury Management office.