When it comes to handling the decedent's bank accounts, we're here to make the process as simple and straightforward as possible. This Agreement sets forth the terms, rules and regulations under which we will provide deposit services to you.For the deceased's bank account, the account number and exact dollar amount in the account must be provided. On January 1, 2018, under current law, the New Jersey Estate Tax will no longer be imposed for individuals who die on or after that date. Find tips to improve your search results, including checking spelling, trying different or more general terms, and using menus to navigate. The full amount on deposit as of the date of death of the decedent must be listed in the inheritance tax return. If submitting online, you must provide your Social Security number for verification. Print "Deceased" and the date of death above the decedent's name. • Other filing status. The assets of the decedent's estate must be collected and the debts and obligations of the decedent must be paid if there are sufficient funds in the estate.