For the deceased's bank account, the account number and exact dollar amount in the account must be provided. When it comes to handling the decedent's bank accounts, we're here to make the process as simple and straightforward as possible.To close a bank account on behalf of someone who has passed away, you must have legal authority to manage the account. To close a bank account after death, you must completely liquidate its funds. The bank will not allow you to close it unless you have a letter of authorization from the probate court. They could require a copy of a death certificate or some other documentation, rather than just accepting the "deceased" code as truth. The first and foremost thing you must do to close a bank account upon the death of a loved one is to inform the bank of this death. Bank accounts that are solely in your name can be held up temporarily upon your death. There are different forms you'll need to file depending on whether or not the decedent (the person who died) died with a will. Choose the appropriate form if you are seeking to be guardian of the estate or not.