You Need a Minnesota Tax ID. Your Minnesota Tax ID is the seven-digit number you're assigned when you register with the department. Send your letter and a complete copy of your federal amended return or the IRS correction notice to: Minnesota Revenue.These instructions help you complete your 2018-2019 Minnesota Energy Programs Application. The application is used to apply for the. A Letter of Instruction is a detailed document that provides specific guidance on how to handle administrative tasks associated with one's stock accounts. An Apostille is a certificate that authenticates the signature of a public official or a notary public on a document for use in another country. Instructions for completing this form are attached. i. FAX. _. _. Ext. TEFAP Food Shelves may not require any religious activities or. The FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct. Certification instructions.