Fill in the street address, city, state, zip code, and county of the legal residence of the person who died at the time of their death. If you have no will or did not name a personal representative, the court will appoint one for you.To close a bank account on behalf of someone who has passed away, you must have legal authority to manage the account. If you die without a will, Minnesota's inheritance laws will control how your estate will be divided. Probate is a legal process to settle the estate of a person who died (a "decedent"). Assessing personal liability involves sending an Order Assessing Personal Liability letter in care of the personal representative. In the absence of a will, the probate court in Minnesota appoints an administrator, often a close family member, to manage and distribute the deceased's estate. If you die without a will in Minnesota, your assets will go to your closest relatives under state "intestate succession" laws. In the absence of a will, the probate court in Minnesota appoints an administrator, often a close family member, to manage and distribute the deceased's estate. Instead, before making any distribution, the administrator should insist on receiving a release.