To close a bank account on behalf of someone who has passed away, you must have legal authority to manage the account. Some kinds of property and assets do not need to be probated.One thing for sure is that the bank will want to know the specific reasons for the removal request as the next-to-kin. No information is available for this page. Examples include: You are the spouse of the person who died; You are a living child of the person who died and there is no living spouse; When someone passes, the process of getting paperwork together can be overwhelming. The best way to avoid any issues with accessing the bank accounts of deceased family members is to have a clear and up-to-date estate plan in place. View a Minnesota's Standard Power of Attorney Form, as set out in Minnesota Statutes section 523.23. Heirship Status: Specify the status of each heir, such as "surviving spouse," "child," or "next of kin. If no will, to the surviving spouse. 5.