You will need account numbers and serial numbers of assets. You should also make a list of what the Decedent owned at the time of death (such as bank accounts, house, stocks, etc.).To Open a Safe Deposit Box After Death in NYC, you must Petition the Surrogate's Court in the County where the Decedent died for permission. Naming the beneficiaries of an estate is an important aspect of estate planning. If submitting online, you must provide your Social Security number for verification. It includes, for example, both real and personal property held in the decedent's name alone or payable to the decedent or his or her estate. 1. Notify Us. Complete our Beneficiary Statement form and have the beneficiary sign it. Amounts deposited in a bank —. Notify Bank of America. We'll ask you for the deceased customer's full legal name and Social Security number to identify their accounts.