Documentation about the account and its owner, including the deceased's full legal name, Social Security number, and the bank account number. This article will give you the reasons why you should close your bank account.Sample account closing letters are also given for your better understanding. The first and foremost thing you must do to close a bank account upon the death of a loved one is to inform the bank of this death. Sub: Request to close an account due to death. You should produce the concerned Bank branch the death certificate from municipal authority as proof of that persons demise. You can use this letter template to write to the bank to request the closure of a direct payments account following the death of the account holder. You have to write an application to the bank. You should go to the bank, take the death certificate, and ask them what they require to accomplish what you want to do. Trying to close an Indian bank account for my mom who passed away earlier this year but being told I have to journey to India to do it.