To close a bank account on behalf of someone who has passed away, you must have legal authority to manage the account. In New York State, the Surrogate's Court decides what happens to a person's property when that person dies.You will need account numbers and serial numbers of assets. To close a bank account after death, you must completely liquidate its funds. Complete the information requested on the Mail-in Claim Form page. You can use this letter template to write to the bank to request the closure of a direct payments account following the death of the account holder. The bank will not allow you to close it unless you have a letter of authorization from the probate court. At a minimum, you must provide a completed Beneficiary Statement along with an original certified death certificate showing cause and manner of death. You must also be given the authority to handle the account to close it. The only option going forward will be to close the account and pay the funds to the estate.