The fastest way to obtain a birth or death record is ordering online through Vitalchek. If the patient was released prior to their death, the form needs to state that.Nevada law requires a person in possession of the deceased person's will must "deliver it to the clerk of the district court" within 30 days of the death. From death certificate issues to a missing person find out more about problems in probate arising from the death, documentation and the courts. You'll need the person's Social Security number and certified copies of their death certificate for most agencies and programs. All amounts paid for the decedent's medical, funeral, burial expenses and all debts due but unpaid as of the date of death (i.e. Everything you need to know about deeds upon death (also known as transfer on death or TOD deeds) in Nevada. At least 40 days must have passed since date of death of the decedent to use the affidavit. While the process for accessing a bank account after death usually isn't complicated, taking the time to understand bank account beneficiary rules can help. Online: Use our online form to notify us about a customer's death.