These instructions are provided as a public service of the Butler County Probate Court, and are intended as a guideline only. Setting one up or adding a beneficiary is a simple matter of requesting the Payable on Death form from your bank. Book.Typically, it's best to open an estate account with the same financial institution the decedent used in the same state where they resided. In this article, we will outline the steps you need to take to file an application to open an estate in an Ohio probate court. Banks and other financial institutions will freeze accounts that are titled in the decedent's name alone. In the following sections, we review what a bank account beneficiary is and how to find out if you've been designated as one. Click on the link(s) for the forms you'd like to download. If you are a coowner of a bank account, the joint owner will have complete access to the bank account funds when you die. For estates where the date of death is after 2012 no Ohio estate tax return is required. May funds be withdrawn from bank accounts?