Setting one up or adding a beneficiary is a simple matter of requesting the Payable on Death form from your bank. Book. In this article, we will outline the steps you need to take to file an application to open an estate in an Ohio probate court.Probate is the legal process after someone dies, during which the decedent's property is assessed and distributed. It includes identifying assets, You will need a tax release, death certificate, and Letters of Authority from probate court to have access to the account. These instructions are provided as a public service of the Butler County Probate Court, and are intended as a guideline only. The following is required for completion: Bank Accounts – Copy and describe each account exactly as it is described on the application (estate tax form 12). In what state should I open an estate account? It's best to open an estate account with the decedent's bank in the state where they lived. What Property Must Be Appraised?