To close a bank account on behalf of someone who has passed away, you must have legal authority to manage the account. In the body of the affidavit, describe the circumstances of the death briefly and clearly.Include details such as the cause of death and location of death. Click on the link(s) for the forms you'd like to download. The first order of business in a letter of instruction is to outline the details that will help family, friends, and surviving spouses through the trying hours. Forms and Letters​​ Use this Form Assistant to get the basic packet of blank forms you'll need to file for Summary Release from Administration in Ohio. These instructions are provided as a public service of the Butler County Probate Court, and are intended as a guideline only. Nominee has to claim for settlement in which standard claim format needs to fill up and submit to the bank. While the process for accessing a bank account after death usually isn't complicated, taking the time to understand bank account beneficiary rules can help. 1.0 if there is no Will in the estate.