To close a bank account on behalf of someone who has passed away, you must have legal authority to manage the account. The AGO's Public Records Unit, which assembles this manual every year, partners with the Ohio Auditor of State's Office to provide free Sunshine Laws training.87 percent of Ohioans support the right to "die in as humane and dignified a manner as they see fit," while 75 percent support Death with Dignity legislation. The funds shall be available in the form of a deposit in trust of cash, bank certificate of deposit, or United States Treasury obligation, a bank letter of. Setting one up or adding a beneficiary is a simple matter of requesting the Payable on Death form from your bank. Book. An adverse event is an untoward, undesirable, and usually unanticipated event that causes death or serious injury, or the risk thereof. Ohio failed to pass an aid-in-dying law that would have allowed terminally ill patients to request life-ending medication. R.C. 2109.03 in the name of the decedent's estate. 2. Hospitals are required to be in compliance with the Federal requirements set forth in the. Do you know how to find out if you are a beneficiary on a bank account?