To open a Student Checking account, you need to be under age 25. To open an individual account online, you need to be 18 years of age or older.Open a US Bank Smartly® Checking account with your 13-to-17-year-old child and get access to tools and resources that can help them learn independence. Teens between 13 and 16 are eligible to sign up for this account. Plan for your kids future with a child savings account and ESA from Philadelphia Federal Credit Union in Philadelphia, PA. Open an account with us today. Changing your bank account into a JointOwnership account with your daughter or making her the account's PayableOnDeath beneficiary avoids probate. Minors 13-16 must have an adult co-owner. Minors 17 years or younger must open an account at a Wells Fargo branch. You will need your Social Security Number and, probably, some form of photo ID and a means of validating your address. Accounting required (Repealed).