Name of Deceased had permanent legal residence at. To be recognized as the estate administrator, you must file the petition for grant of letters of administration with the Register of Wills.To close a bank account on behalf of someone who has passed away, you must have legal authority to manage the account. Next of Kin Letter is a document used to confirm who is the closes relative of the deceased that are still living. In most cases, only the personal representative of a deceased person's estate can access the deceased accounts at a financial institution. One thing for sure is that the bank will want to know the specific reasons for the removal request as the next-to-kin. You'll need the person's Social Security number and certified copies of their death certificate for most agencies and programs. Social Security and Medicare. Synchrony offers an online option to provide the Bank with the notification of the passing of the cardholder. Dying without a will is known as dying intestate.